You could read through the classified ads in your local newspaper to see if anyone is selling a second-hand pair of rollerblades, which you could pick up cheaply and then remove the inline skate wheels and fit them to your own rollerblades. You could buy a new pair of inline skates - costly, but if your needs have changed and you are now using your inline skates for a different purpose to the one you had originally in mind, buying new ones may be the best.However, if your rollerblades have become comfortable over time and you cannot face adjusting to a different pair, there are specialists who deal in replacing your inline skate wheels. Inline wheels come in different sizes and you should determine what you expect your best rollerblade wheel to do: do you need speed because you want to race your rollerblades in competition with others or do you want to join an inline hockey team?If speed is what you care about, your rollerblades will need bigger replacement inline wheels. Sizes for inline skate wheels vary in measurement from 45 millimetres all the way up to 125 millimetres. If you are comfortable with the size of wheels that came fitted to your original purchase of rollerblades, then you are advised to buy a replacement with the same measurement of inline wheel.If your needs have changed and you'd like a different set of inline wheels, you will first need to check the instruction manual that came with your original purchase. The manufacturer of your rollerblades will recommend, what the minimum and the maximum sizes for your inline skate wheels are that your rollerblades are capable of handling safely. If you are allowed to change the size for your replacement inline skate wheels, bear in mind that bigger wheels are tougher to skate with. If you prefer to gain greater speed, slimmer inline skate wheels will work more effectively for you.Using a specialist has the advantage that you can get expert advice on which inline wheels are best for you right now, but they will also advise you of your replacement inline skate wheels' capability for future use.You might only want them for general riding now, but once you feel more comfortable to take on the next challenge, you might want to use your rollerblades for sport activities, in which case a specialist in replacement inline wheels will advise you how best to compromise with the budget you have available.Buying your replacement rollerblade wheels from a specialist may seem more expensive at first, than buying a second hand set from somebody who's no longer interested in using their rollerblades, but using a specialist will pay off in the long run. You will not only save money by buying the most appropriate inline wheels for your needs, you will also buy a set of rollerblade wheels catering for the future.
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