Thursday, 21 July 2011

Hot Longboarding Tips If You Just Got A Board

Longboarders who know what they're doing make it all look incredibly easy. Right? Just looks like you push-off and then find your balance. Hey, surfing looks like a no-brainer. Stand-up on a board, on a wave. You'll learn soon enough that longboarding isn't as easy as it appears. Takes practice and definite skills if you're dreaming of skating the expert tricks. Just starting out? Here are some good points to take with you because they'll decrease the pain.

Takes a little time to know which foot goes where on the board. It really does not matter which hand you are, left or right. You'll have to know which of your legs is the dominant leg. So it's easiest to think how you approach something. Which foot do you normally use when you kick a ball? Which leg do you normally begin with when you go up some stairs? If you begin to lose balance, which leg do you use to save your balance with? The foot/leg you use will go to the back of the longboard. It's not about which direction you prefer to face, and it's much more about which leg is strongest. 
A good beginner board will be inexpensive and can take a good beating. Really good and really fancy longboards are incredibly expensive. You are so expensive you may be hesitant to take them out and use them. And that's why you want a newbie board. They have strong wheels and are thicker. These boards will be able to take the pounding and abuse the beginner longboardr will give it. ABEC boards are popular for beginners because they have a lot of features designed for the newbie.

Learn the longboarders jargon, and also learn the different kinds of longboards. Lots of different boards available, and they're not all the same, either. Learn what the differences are and the reasons for them. Be sure you understand what other longboarders mean when they talk about skating. If you do that you'll be able to ask for and get help with something.

Longboarding isn't hard and doesn't need to be, but you'll need to practice and take some time. Be patient and don't worry--you will learn! It is important that you take your time to really learn the longboarding basics before you try to do anything  fancy. Trying to do too much too soon is only good for getting injured. So keep with it and who knows? You could be the next Tony Hawk!


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